1. Go to browser and click at the address bar www.facebook.com

2. And then in the window computer will be show a Homepage of facebook
3. Enter your identity in the box and then click sign up
4. After that, Facebook will show the windows again with menu security check
5. Enter the code security check in the little box under the security code, and then click sign up
6. You have finish your registering in facebook, but you must confirm with your email first, click go to yahoo mail now to the windows of facebook.
7. Than, with the automatic facebook connect you with your email, I will show you confirm the email address with yahoo
8. Enter your email address and your password in the box to make a sure with your email
9. In step 1 you will ask with facebook aboutto find friends ,you can skip this progress
10. In the step 2, you will ask with facebook about your profile information, if you need it, enter your identity in the box and then click save and continue.If you will do it later, click skip
11. In the step 3 or the last step, Facebook ask you about your photo profile. What you will gave your photo now, if you will gave the photo profile later click skip
12. Finally your facebook ready to use.
1. Open your browser in your computer and click http://www.twitter.com/ in the addres bar.
2. And then click sign up menu in the homepage of twitter to start register
3. After that, twitter will show the registration form.
4. Fill the registration form until complete. And than click Create my account.
5. Next twitter will ask you to follow sources that interest you. There are 3 steps.
6. First step, twitter ask you to select the topics you are interested in. click next step if you want to do it later.
7. Second step, twitter ask you scan your email address book or contacts to discover which of your friends are already using twitter.
8. Third step, the last step. Twitter will search for a username, first name, last name, or business name.
9. Write the name that you want to find. Then click search.
10. And then, twitter will find some people has name that you search. Click follow in your friend's twitter that you search.
12. After that click next step.
13. Finally, your twitter has been finished.
1. Open the browser in the window and write www.hi5.com in the addres bar of browser
2. And then windows will show you pages of hi5.
3. In the first page, hi5 order you fill the form to register. After you fill all form, click Register button
4. And then, windows of hi5 will show you page of Find your Friends on hi5, write again your email addres. And then click Next.
5. After that hi5 order you to upload a photo, if you will do it now klik Browse to open your file. If you want to do it later, click No thanks maybe later.
6. Finally, your hi5 ready to use and you can connecting with your friends now..
1. Open the situs www.plurk.com in your browser.
2. And then, plurk will show the homepage. Click Sign Up For Free button.
3. After that, plurk will show the window like this.
4. Fiil the form with your identity. And then click Sign up at Plurk.
5. Finally, your plurk has been finished.
3 komentar:
semoga miss devina bisa senang..^_^
completely, well done ..congratulation ..:-)
yes miss....
thanks a lot..^^
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