1. Open your browser in your computer and click http://www.yahoo.com/ in the addres bar.
2. Than yahoo will show you the homepage, and click Daftar button
3. And then yahoo will show you the form register, Fill your identity in the form with complete.
4. After you fill the form register with complete, click Buat Akun Saya
5. Now, your email already to use. If you ready to use, click Lanjutkan
6. Yahoo will show you the homepage again, but now, you must click your nickname in right side of yahoo to enter in the profile.
7. And finally, this is your show of your Email.
I will tell you about how to make email with www.gmail.com :
1. Open your browser and writte http://www.gmail.com/ in the addres bar of browser.
2. And then, gmail will show the homepage like this.
3. After that click Buat akun button to register in gmail
4. Gmail will show you the form of register.
5. And then fill the form with your identity.
6. After you finish fill your identity, click Saya menerima. Buat akun saya to accept your register.
7. Finally, your email has finish. To open your email, click Tunjukan akun saya
8. To open the window of inbox email, click "Masukkan ke kotak masuk. Saya akan mencoba Buzz nanti."
9. This is the appearance of inbox of gmail. To sign out from gmail, click "Keluar".
5 komentar:
Alhamdullilah tugas ku udah selesai...^^
semoga miss devina bisa senang..^_^
isok nggawe blog trnyata areg iki..
mayag kund xlams..^^
good job..:-)
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